Tagged: Temporary

Temporary Workers Are An Important Safety Risk

Temporary Workers Are An Important Safety Risk

Temporary Workers Are An Important Safety Risk Temporary workers are an important safety risk issue because they are unfamiliar with the workplace and company rules, and are on site for a limited time period. Temporary workers need to be trained in the company’s health and safety policies just as if they are part of the permanent staff. Temporary workers can be employed for a variety of reasons, such as cover for permanent employees who are off sick, or on holiday, or to cope with seasonal increases in workload. In many cases temporary workers are employed by an employment agency; these...

Turning a Temporary Travel Nurse Position Into a Permanent Job

Turning a Temporary Travel Nurse Position Into a Permanent Job

Turning a Temporary Travel Nurse Position Into a Permanent Job For the most part the life of a travel nurse seems to be for nurse that are in the dawn of their careers before they relationships, families, and other responsibilities that force them to find permanent employment. The other time that many nurses become interested in an occupation as a travel nurse is towards the end of their careers, after their children move out of the house, leaving their parents free to pursue nomadic whims. It happens, especially to the younger nurses, that they are working at a travel nurse...