Tagged: Part

Find Great Part Time Jobs for Students

Find Great Part Time Jobs for Students

Find Great Part Time Jobs for Students When you’re in college, life can start to get a bit tough. Suddenly you’re paying for things on your own and the bills begin to pile up. Yikes! Whether you knew it or not, an apartment, a car, insurance, gas, food, classes and books all cost money. You’d better believe that all those expenses can get overwhelming at times. Naturally your student loans won’t always cover everything. Fortunately there are a number of great part time jobs for students available. It’s up to you to find one that suits your schedule and needs...

Making Career Decisions    Part 1

Making Career Decisions Part 1

Making Career Decisions Part 1 Spring is traditionally a time for new beginnings and as we start to springclean our homes, some of us may be considering springcleaning our careers. Why are so many of us unhappy at work? There are probably as many reasons as there are unhappy people, but there are a few underlying factors which influence many of us. Think back to your school days and the careers advice you were given by teachers, advisors and your parents. Just how useful was it? My own memories are of a half hour session with a teacher at the...