Tagged: About

A Few Facts About Your Credit Score.

A Few Facts About Your Credit Score.

A Few Facts About Your Credit Score. Statistics from your credit report define what your credit score is. Your credit score is not stored with your credit report, but is generated at the time there is a request to your credit report. Why are credit scores used? Anytime you apply for a loan the credit score effectively tells the lender based on a score rating, your ability to repay the loan based on your prior payment history, and your current credit status. Everyone from banks, auto dealers and mortgage companies utilize this method of credit rating to determine the risk....

Myths And Truth About Credit Score.

Myths And Truth About Credit Score.

Myths And Truth About Credit Score. Credit score is the key factor determining approval of almost any type of credit. It is based on the information contained in your credit report files. The widely used FICO score was developed by Fair Isaac Corporation, and it is a formula which assesses your potential credit risk. The information used to calculate credit score can be broken down into five major parts. Your payment history with banks and other lenders will account for 35% of the score, the amount of money you owe for 30%, and the length of your credit history for...

About Considering a Career in Finance

About Considering a Career in Finance

About Considering a Career in Finance A career in finance is an honorable undertaking. There are a ton of accounting and finance careers to choose from, but each path must be examined before it is pursued. Studying college courses and online course both cost time and dollars. Knowing the careers awaiting a finance major right after earning his degree is never a bad thing. Here are well-known examples of careers in finance that are quality positions with good pay. Take note for each position is different from the other, from the skills required to the tasks faced, and not all...

Careers in Beauty You May Want to Learn More About

Careers in Beauty You May Want to Learn More About

Careers in Beauty You May Want to Learn More About Are a high school student who is trying to determine which career field that you would like to enter? If you are not a high school student, are you just an adult who is looking for a career change? If you are and if you have a love for beauty and fashion, have you ever thought about the careers that are focused on fashion and beauty? If you have yet to do so, you may want to take the time to familiarize yourself with some of the many beauty and...

All About Medical Supply Sales Careers

All About Medical Supply Sales Careers

All About Medical Supply Sales Careers The high need for people to fill jobs in the medical field is not brought about by brand-new job chances. The demand is in fact just sustained by the need for excellent health care services needed by a growing and succeeding population. Fact of the matter is, there are no new profession offerings in the medical field. There are just more chances available now for well established tasks in the medical field and one such example are medical supply sales professions. Medical supply sales professions are not a new thing. In reality these kinds...